Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lordy, give me strength or direction to the nearest ladies room!

I don't seem to have learned my lesson last year!

Right around this same time, my old Pastor glanced at me from across the room and made a bee line in my direction, never dropping my glance. I knew something was up and had the instinct to run for cover but was nice and stood my ground with a smile. Then he asked me to take over as VBS director......I swore then that the next time he glanced my way and pinned me with his eyes, that I would make a run for the nearest ladies room and hide!

I seem to have forgotten that lesson. Or maybe it is because I was thrown off by the fact we now have a new Pastor and totally forgot my promise to run for the bathroom since, well, he was new!!

Last night at the church meeting our eyes met. He held my gaze and started walking my way. I will admit that the sudden need to find the ladies room came to mind slightly but I figured I was already claimed by VBS and that was why he was coming over to chat. You know, to talk about dates and what kind of snacks I needed, etc etc etc.


Where I thought I was already taken....he thought I looked bored. And asked me to be.... Sunday School Superintendent!

When the words came out of his mouth I thought,"Stupid! I TOLD you go run for the bathroom! You did not listen you idiot!" And I crumbled.

Not that I accepted. Yet.

Don't get me wrong. I am currently fighting with my heart that says our church is in turmoil and needs people to step up and my brain that says going to the beach on Sunday, August the 7th is so much more important!!! Or sleeping in on May 22nd after a full week of soccer, PTA and dr appointments. Or simply that my plate is too full and my brain is saying "ARE...... YOU............ INSANE!?"


Ok. More likely than probably.

But I will listen to all sides and take it to heart. #1 I truly believe that the younger people need to step up within the church. (Not that I am younger but I am compared to most in positions at the church!) And I cannot whine about how people need to step up if I am not one of those people! #2 I am one major marshmallow! And I do believe it is written on my forehead somewhere too! So I will weight the options before I say my answer so that I can honestly say I thought about it.

The other issue I have is that Todd thought it was funny to tell the Pastor my theory on making a run the next time for the bathroom. He now knows my strategy and plans to cut off my line of direction....or find me when I am furthest from the ladies room!

I am now a sitting duck....

Or should I say.....MARSHMALLOW!?

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