Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas!

 Are not these faces priceless?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Where is that rabbit foot?

How much can a person have in the bad luck area at one time?  I was sitting and drinking hot chocolate while looking at my Christmas tree and thinking about all the things that have happened over the last several months.  Maybe I broke a mirror somewhere over the year and didn't realize it or a black cat crossed my path on the way to a soccer game.  How does that statement go?  If something can happen, it will? Bad things happen in threes?  Or something like that.  Either would work.

Let's start at vacation.  I won't even do the full year. I will condense it..............
August 11th- During vacation we get a call saying the town is flooding.  Our house sitter is bailing out water from the bilco doors (which is nothing new with the doors! They leak like an old row boat!) But neighbors are flooding and roads are closed.  It is bad.  What can we do?  We are all the way in TN!  It pretty much rains the whole time we are gone.  The house sitter is dealing with rags and mops but gets it under control.

August 27th- Hurricane Irene. *sigh* Ah yes.  Lovely Irene who came to visit completely uninvited.  Brought with her Miss Rain, Mr. Wind and Mrs. Flooding.  Our basement that usually only floods from around the bilcos looks like an indoor swimming pool.  It is days of ripping out wood flooring and weeks of moping and appraising and calling insurance companies and wringing out items and moving around fans.  It was not pretty!  FEMA came to the rescue and we thought it was over.  (BTW we are still finishing up things down there on that!  Trim work.  Painting. Packing away. Little things)

September/October- School starts in the mist of Irene upheaval and life goes on with buses and soccer games and back to school nights that are redirected around closed roads blown out bridges. 

Then............Todds car dies. 

November- Ryan totals my van!  Oh yes he did.  Smashed it dead in to the backside of a white cross-over with two elderly people....who smash into the black 2 door in front of them.....who smashes into the black truck in front of them hauling a trailer....who is stopped for a school bus.  We have been and still are working with the insurance company over this one!

The insurance company want to low ball the replacement value.  They have pulled the rental on the last day in hopes for us to take their settlement in which my checking account has been attacked and had to pay for and now we have to fight with the insurance co for our money!

I am behind in bills over all this. My Christmas money has gone toward rentals and dealerships and loans and garage people etc etc etc. 

And just when I thought it might finally be coming to an end.....the insurance company puts the van mileage in the wrong spot on my title and voids the deal! I now have to run to the DMV and pay $60 for a new title and....yes you guessed put a hold on my settlement check!

I have a van sitting in my drive that I haven't made a payment on cause my insurance check is not here, another payment I really don't want and stress I could do without!

And to top all this off......

I am sick.  Megan was sick.  Delaney has an ear infection.

We had three funerals in two weeks.  One of which was a brother of a friend who shot himself for unknown reasons. We has a father of two and married with a lovely home and wife.  And another was an old friend who was sick with what he thought was a cold.  He had a dr appointment on Monday and Sunday night, went downstairs to watch TV and lay on the sofa so his coughing would not wake his wife and she found him gone in the morning getting the kids on the bus. Both such full and wonderful lives, quickly taken away in the blink of an eye.

I know that others are in worse places than us.  We have a roof over our head.  Family around us.  I can sit and contemplate my issues in life sitting in a warm living room, drinking hot chocolate and looking at my Christmas tree.  I should feel blessed for all I have instead of looking at what I do not have.  But it still doesn't take away the sting fully. 

Maybe for Christmas, Santa will bring the kids their greatest wishes, me an insurance check ........and a little luck for the Chapman household overall.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to Embarrass Your Friends!

#1 You go to a child friendly restaurant and bring along your two youngest children.

#2 You get seated at the table with the cutest waiter in the joint and start talking about how really cute his eyes are and how nice his smile is and how he is probably the same age as said friend.  This will draw her attention and get her interest.

#3 Wait until the totally cute waiter is there to take your order and you now have HIS interest too.

#4 Once scene is set and everyone is in place, give the youngest child a straw....with paper on it and have the scene unfold below...........

Delaney: *blows the paper at friend and just misses sending it down her shirt!*  Delaney giggles and whispers to me "I almost got it down her boobies!" 

The Friend: (this is a lesson to be learned) Interested in what we are giggling about says to Delaney, "What did you say?"  (you know what is coming right?!)

Me: "Don't tell her now Delaney.  Wait until we order."

Delaney: *still giggling* Announcing very loudly, "I ALMOST GOT THE PAPER DOWN YOUR BOOBIES!!!" and breaks out in laughter

Megan: *rolls on the seat laughing*

The Friend: *laughs and turns the brightest shade of red*

The Cute Waiter: *laughs and is turning an even brighter red*

Now....somewhere in this hysterical laughter, place a very loud laughing SNORT from someone!  And you now have the loudest table in the restaurant laughing so hard they cannot stop and getting dirty looks from the older couple sitting nearby.

The end result......pee'd pants on my part, a very embarrassed friend, a waiter who cannot walk by without turning red and laughing, two little girls who think this night was the funniest thing they ever saw future date to be had by said friend!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Homecoming 2011!

Caught Between

I went yesterday to Ryans senior class meeting.  It covered things like senior trip, pictures, college enrollment, gown fittings, etc etc etc.  I walked in and saw the other parents I have spent the last 13 years with and felt a little sad.  These were the faces at room parent meetings and PTA fundraisers.  Parents who went from crying on the steps along side me the 1st day of kindergarten to soccer games and school dances and now senior meetings.  It seems so much like yesterday since I stood on that kindergarten step and waved goodbye.  And here stands my son, head and shoulders above a senior class meeting.  Where did this time go?  It was so fast.

As I sat there listening to them drone on and on and on about college enrollment and how to repay student loans, I glanced around me.  Everyone OLD!  Their faces were familar.  Their wrinkles were not.  It was a hit of reality that I was one of them!  I don't feel old.  Perhaps because I have a 6 year old coming up behind.  I sat there thinking about how those parents of other 6yr olds must think I am OLD! 

It dawned on me that I am rather stuck between two worlds. (actually three if you think about it)  I have one graduating highschool, one graduating middle school and one starting school.  As I sat there thinking how much we had all aged since that 1st day of kindergarten, it occured to me that when Delaney graduates and I am sitting in those same seats listening to HER senior class meeting I will be in my 50s!!! Old enough to be a GRANDMOTHER!!!  If that doesn't bring you into reality, nothing will!

I like to think I will be one hip old mom/grandmom by the time Delaney graduates.  (The fact that I used the word HIP should tell you much!)  I hope that I will be taking my kids to Disney and the beach and playing in the park and still wearing jeans and ...........going to a senior class meeting without having to take a double dose of Advil to make it there!

I would not take back the age spread of my children.  I was blessed with the children I have and when I was given them.  They have filled my life in ways I never thought possible. The challenges and the laughter and the love. The fact is, we never like the fact that we are getting old.  And we all are feeling like that at a senior class meeting no matter our age.  No matter if it is our 1st going through or our last.  13 years is so little time and yet so much!

As I venture on this new journey with my son I can only pray that we will continue to be blessed.....and that I can still bend to say the prayer of thanks without that double dose of Advil!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

In the box!

Our little goalie!