Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday night 'date night' and other misgivings

(music alert:turn off music on side)
I remember when Saturday night activities were more like going to the movies, dinner in a nice restaurant or dancing. Now our Saturday nights are more like this....

Saturday night dance fever watch out!
(That was a total sarcastic joke. Please forgive me for any hint I might have given that there might be talent!)

This is the video off the Internet to base all this on. Just so you have an understanding on what they are looking at.....

And if you looked closely there was even a nose pick in there. Cause a Saturday night is not fully complete without the song "The Lion Sleeps tonight", a singing hippo, a butt pat and a booger!

Lord what have I come down too!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What more can I say?

I don't know how to really give this a title or comments that will do it justice.
Turn the volume on the music off (lower right hand side) and the volume on the computer up and sit back and watch............

What talent!

Twiddling my thumbs and sending the bird

I am sitting here in the middle of another snow storm. Course my snow storm out my window and the snow storm on the weatherman's map on tv kinda do not look to be similar. According to him there is a blizzard going on out there with school closing going nuts. What I got is a few snow flakes that look kinda like this.....

Complete white out, hea? I am thinking that maybe we might be looking at two different snow storms? Course, later they insist it is going to get worse. But the map shows the storm heading up to NY with nothing to replace it. Maybe the weather man has finally lost his mind! Or I have. I will have to get back later to you on which one that might be.

Ryan is talking about signing up for track. And I have come to learn that sport coaches are insane. Or maybe it is because they are men. Or both. The two together do kinda make for a huge accident in the making if you ask me. All the same, Ryan comes home with his sign up form and an inch thick parent handbook. In general, if Ryan has poor grades or is sick or is late or misses a game or misses a practice or there is a full moon or he goes poop twice in one day or the planets fall out of orbit....he gets kicked off the team. Now I have been in sports with my kids long enough to know that they are completely full of it. As a newbie to high school last year, I followed these instructions to a tee. As a 2nd year vet, I just mentally flip them the bird and throw the paperwork away.

But the best part of this paperwork was them telling us that there is over 40 boys on the team this year. And only those that are the best at everything will play the meets. So, in other words, they are telling us that we are to make sure our child makes all 6 practices during the week till the end of school, doesn't miss school and keeps their grades up to be on the team BUT, in fact, they are more likely to end up just warming the benches. Oh yeah....and send in a check for a $40 team suite....even though they might just be warming the benches.

My thoughts on this are
#1 What happened to school funded sport and activities? I went to this same school and never do I remember having to pay for uniforms, tees, warm up suits, etc etc etc And yet I am always being hit up for more money for something. I paid less out when my kids were on kids teams and I had to sell things like pizzas and candy (in reality that translates to us buying the pizza and candy!) ! I want to know what my taxes are paying for? It isn't sports uniforms or even after school buses!!

#2 Whatever happened to try outs? As in you try out for something and make the team. Or don't. I think we have fallen under the idea that our kids might get hurt feelings if they don't make the team and a coach might have to tell them " didn't make it". So instead, the better option is to give their egos a huge pump and allow them to make the team but warm the bench instead? Personally, I would rather try out and not make a team than to tell everyone I am on a team and not do anything but fill the water bucket and cheer on my team mates! Rejection doesn't hurt anyone. It can actually end up making them better because it will make them work harder to get that earned spot.

BUT instead, Ryan will be on a team with over 40 boys. This should be interesting!

#3 WHY would you ask me to buy the said gym suit in the 1st place when you aren't even guaranteeing him a spot? HELLO! (here comes the mental bird flip)

That said, there is still no snow. Well there is. Just tiny baby flakes fluttering by. Not that I am complaining. Don't get me wrong. But it is kinda like being offered the position on a track team. It kinda gets me up and running to prepare and in the end there is nothing but me watching and waiting and warming the bench. Only....

I didn't have to buy myself a $40 track suit!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010



Even the local snowmen have had enough!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Getting ready for the party day.....

Making cookies

Pinata time!

On a treasure hunt....


Ryans turn!


How many adults does it take to put together a kids toy???



Lookie what I found! Delaneys 1st year!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Little, cute girls in green are my enemy!

Tis the season. They are everywhere. They smile at you at the Walmart door, plead at the grocery store, and if they don't get you in one of the more public places, they attack you at your house. You know what I mean....cute, little girlscouts dressed in uniforms with smiles on their faces asking you to buy their overly expensive cookies. I am a total sucker. And I love girlscout cookies. But I have been trying to be good. And was succeeding....till Saturday.

I would through walk the doors of Walmart and avoid their pitiful little begging eyes. I would smile and look away from the mothers who watched you walk by their tables in the grocery store. But then they stepped foot on my doorstep. Now I would have done the 'run and hide' move myself. You know, like you do with people who come knocking on your door with religious books in their hands and you run and hide so you don't have to answer the door! Yeah, that move! But those girlscouts were in luck. Todd was home. And Todd answered the door. I am not sure what he was thinking. One cannot win against some cute little girls begging you to buy their wares. It is a proven impossibility! But he did it. He opened the door! He took away the only barrier between them and us! He didn't stand a chance.

And in turn I lost too. I am out $14 for COOKIES. And those cookies are now 1/2 gone. You cannot put me in a room with thin mints or peanutbutter cookies. They are in my cabinet calling my name and I am doomed!


Thanks Todd!

Who is the sucker now!?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Things not to say to a sick woman!

I have been dealing with a cold. Just a good old fashioned cold. But this one is tough. It just is not going to give in and go away without a fight! It started a week ago and I am STILL trying to get it to head to someone elses house. It seems to favor mine though!

But now it has moved to my sinus. Not only do I get to sniffle and hack all over those brave enough to sit next to me but I am now dealing with a headache and my teeth hurt. My TEETH hurt. I sneeze and go 'ouch'. I blow my nose and my teeth protest enough to tell me they are going to leave if I do it again.

I am going to give it one more BANG with some decongestant and if it doesn't work it might just be time to call in the big dr. Sniffles I can deal with. Walking around with a tissue stuffed up my nose all day is no big deal. But sneezing and feeling like my head is going to explode just might be drawing the line on my pain threshold.

Anyway, last night I have a headache....and teeth ache.....and I have to take Megan to her dr for her allergy shots. I debate on if I should stay home and let Todd take her cause my head hurts. But then if I stay home I am the one responsible for making dinner. And even the thought of bending down to put in already made mac and cheese and fish sticks was not appealing. The dr visit won out.

So I go and take Megan and get to sit FOREVER in the waiting room that is almost empty. Then they call us back and we sit FOREVER again for the dr to come in and give her the shots. Seriously, I cannot understand what is taking so long. No one is there! BUT I don't complain cause I am sitting and not moving and taking a few minutes to read about "You and your pregnancy". A much needed magazine for me that I simply could not have done without reading.

Did you know you can now buy a padded roll that looks like a dumbbell to put between your breasts when you are pregnant so that they don't touch when you sleep on your side? Wow. Doesn't everyone need one of those?? Cause I want to sleep with a hard rolled up thing smashed between my overly sensitive to the touch pregnant breasts! Yeah....

Anyway, we are sitting there waiting and the door opens. It is the new dr. I don't particularly like him. He reminds me of a much more dorky version of Doogie Howser , MD. And I seriously am doubting that he has the same intelligence. I think he was still in highschool about the time I delivered Megan and now I have to sit there and smile while he gives my baby a shot. But his comment when he opened the door was "Oh! No one gave you her shots yet?"

No, seriously, I had nothing better to do with my time than to sit for an hour reading about padded breast supporters and what my baby looks like at 20 weeks! COME ON DOOGIE, WHY THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE SITTING THERE IN THE EXAM ROOM?????!!!!

What he got was a not so nice look on my pain filled face that said "I dare you, Doogie, to say one more stupid thing!"

I think that look made him nervous cause he almost fell off his little rolling chair. And I am not ashamed to say that I took some gratification from that!

It was about the best thing that happened in that office while waiting! Well that.....and the new girdles that can suck you in after birth and give you back your size 4 butt within a week after giving birth! And I didn't even HAVE a size 4 butt to begin with! Who knew............

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lookie there....

...we have a hole!!!!!!!!

The tooth fairy is coming for her 1st visit!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

You know you are best friends when.........

You know you have a great friendship going when you can share your food with her and she never complains about waiting till you done before she gets any. When she will wait in silence and not rush you or ask for some. Delaney has a friend like that in Cherokee, our dog.

Today Delaney happily inhaled mashed potatoes and left the skins on her plate that Daddy decided to leave on before mashing. When she was done with those skins, Delaney layed the plate on the floor for the dog and Cherokee, being such a wonderful friend, helped Delaney out by cleaning off her plate. Then Delaney picked the plate back up and started to load on more mashed potatoes. I notice all this going on and stopped her and asked why she was giving more to the dog! Delaney tells me, in her best 4 year old innocence, that she isn't. That the potatoes were for her! She was going to eat more ( off the cleanly licked off plate mind you ) and share her skins again with her friend, Cherokee.

Now THAT is some friendship! Two gals ,hanging out on a Sat night, having a meal together and taking turns sharing what they had. AND said friend will never tell you that you look too fat in that new pair of jeans you just bought. I want a friend like that............

Friday, February 12, 2010

What is the going rate for a tooth these days?

The other day Delaney noticed that one of her baby teeth was moving. That prompted Megan to get excited and tell her sister that her tooth was going to fall out. Now, Delaney is my third and I know what horror visions that can put in a 4 year olds head! And sure enough, Delaney came running to me and crying because Megan said her teeth were going to fall out and she did not want to look like Collin. Collin is one of my daycare kids and currently looks like this.........

Now I personally think he looks sweet. But to Delaney I guess he looks like a younger version of an old man without their dentures in. And she did not want to look like that! She wants to keep her teeth. She doesn't care how 'baby' they are! And so sat on my lap and cried.

It took some joking and showing excitment that she was getting bigger and talking about the toothfairy who would be bringing her money to get matters in control. I am sure telling her that she would be getting her big girl teeth in and not having to go toothless like Collin, helped some too.

Today she proudly showed me her wiggly tooth. And then said that her cousin Chey has a loose tooth too and seems we have gone from being scared out of our mind with visions of having to gum her food in the future, to it being totally 'cool'!

So I have the tooth fairy box ready and waiting. It is the one I used for Ryan and Megan. The date of the their 1st lost tooth written on the back. And now it is Delaneys turn.........

My baby is growing up!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nice and easy is my best friend today

I woke today, blizzard day, to not having to work. Everyone stayed home to bunker in yet another storm. So I decided it was as good a time as any to catch up on some me time. I took a nice long hot shower, shaved body parts that hasn't seen the light of day since August and painted my toe nails. Yes I know that no one will see them through snow boots but I did it anyway. Like clean underwear, you just never know when you will find yourself in the ER and would not want to be caught with winter feet! AND I dyed my hair too. I would have painted my nails but unfortunately they are the victims of winter and broke off last week. I figured 'why bother'. There was no saving them with any sort of pretty paint! They were done for!

And I sat on the sofa with my wet toenails and smelly dyed hair and watched the blizzard forming on tv in the safety of my nice warm house.

At least something good came from today. And I am sure some nice ER dr will be grateful for it too!

Hello sweet piggies. Oh how I have missed you! If only to be free and running in the warm summer sand. One day, I promise, you shall be happy again!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Where oh where oh where is Mimi?

My Dad took pity on us NJ'ans and drove down from NY state to bail us out.
And...decided to stay cause we have ANOTHER Nor'Easter heading our way on top of the pile we already had.

Are you getting tired of seeing snow pics? Cause I am tired of posting them! If we had won the lottery last night, I would have packed us up and taken the 1st flight out of here for the nearest warm weather place! Nothing is going to be moving again for another two days or more!

And to top it off, I think I am getting sick. Nothing like being closed in with a bunch of kids and feeling like all you want is your bed!

Today we have sun. The last of it for a while cause come rush hour, we will be in the throws of another blizzard.....................

I am getting low on snack supplies so off to start baking!