Thursday, April 18, 2013


I was up last night looking at the latest update on the Boston bombing.  Seeing what new info they had found and viewing, yet, more pictures.  Megan walks by and says "Your still looking at that?!"  It kind of took me back.  Why WAS I still looking at it? It was about the most grotesque and widely media advertised disaster simple because of so many cell phones and camera.  Similar pictures all taken at different angels.  Horrible pictures that even though you look at them you never can truly understand because we weren't there.  Was I some weirdo to just keep looking and looking at such morbid things?


I think what I look for is understanding.  To try and understand the mind of the person who did it.  To pray for those effected and to wish a fast hunt for those who caused it.  I want to understnad the families because it brings you closer.  I want to understand the time line as it effects who walked away and who didn't.  I want to............understand.

I guess we never will.  If we understood the mind of the person who did things like this, we would be one of them.  But I guess I want to try and wrap some part of my mind around the sadness so I can at least try and grasp it because I find it evasive in my thinking.

And I want to remember.

We all remember the faces of the children in Sandy Hook.  We remember where we were during 911 when the plane hit.  We remember an image that stays with us from the Oklahoma bombing.  We remember.  And by remembering we remember the lives lost and that allows them to live forever.  It, I would like to think, maybe changes the future too. Maybe some one, some where, looking will see what their action causes and maybe, just maybe not do it again.  Wishful thinking I am sure but it really is all we have to work with. Hope.

This is the image that speaks to me.  There were so many.  So many that stay in your mind.  But the look on this girls face speaks what everyone was thinking.  It is shock.  It is hurt.  It is pain.  It is what will be in my heart every time I think of the day Boston was bombed. I can feel her feelings. It is shouting out to you.  It is heartbreaking.  I will remember.

So no. I do not think it is morbid. It is not something we want to see.  But by seeing we remember and that is something I think every single victim needs at this moment.  To be remembered.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A typical daycare providers conversation.....

Keep the sand in the sandbox please.
KEEP the sand in the sandbox!
I said keep the sand in the sandbox!!

THAT MEANS PUT IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent~Victor Hugo

I was talking recently with someone who also runs a family daycare about rules and guidelines and things they enforce or don't.  Comparing notes and telling war stories amongst ourselfs.  In talking I mentioned that Delaney loves her VBS music and was dancing with the children.  My friend mentioned how she would never allow Christian music in her daycare.  That it could be offensive to others.  This got me thinking....was I being intrusive on others beliefs by allowing Delaney to play Christian children songs? Its not like she was playing it to teach them a lesson.  She was playing it because they were dancing and laughing and enjoying themselves. 

I guess I never thought of it before and the chat made me think "why".  Why have I never thought of it before? I am not one to push my beliefs on another.  A missionary I am not. So I thought long and hard on this during one of my morning chat to myself sessions.

I think I don't mind because....well.... I am a dancer.  I know that is heading into another field of conversation and sounds rather simplistic but the reality is I don't view music as offensive or idealistic.  I view it  Something to listen to and move ones soul. It can have words.  It can be classical or country or modern.  It makes little difference to me. Music is moving.

I care little if a Jewish child were to come and ask me to put on Hava Nagila.  Or a child wanted me to play Hindu music.  To me music is about movement.  About beauty.   Music can teach and talk to you.  It fills your spirit. It tells history and about new beginnings.  It is sad and joyful and funny and serious.  If you close your eyes and listen and feel, Hava Nagila can move your soul the same as Pachelbel canon or This Little Light of Mine.  It isn't about pushing beliefs on anyone.  It is

I am Christian.  Anyone that comes to my daycare knows this.  I don't shy away from it.  And I won't teach my daughter to feel embarrassed about who she is either by hiding it.  Nor will I tell another child they cannot openly be who they are and share too.  Isn't this what life is about?  People with different beliefs all blending together?  It is those who are accepting of themselves and others that makes life worth while. This is how we learn from each other, grow, love others and accept. To ME there is no right or wrong.  No one comes to my daycare or my home and feels that they cannot openly be who they are.  That they can not talk about their beliefs and that we cannot love them all the same no matter what. It is simply joyous to dance no matter what the music is. The children's laughter clearly says I am right. Perhaps it isn't so much the children who are unsure if the music is ok but rather the adult who sees far more into something than it should be.

So.....I allow my child to have dance classes to Christian music with the daycare children. Or Hindu or Jewish or Irish or Polish or etc etc etc. All races and creeds are welcome here.  And I hope that it isn't about forcing beliefs and traditions on another but rather accepting each other and allowing the music to move ones soul.

To dance like no one is watching and love yourself........and others........... for it. 

If that is offensive to another then I suppose my daycare isn't the place for them after all.