Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Snow and bouncers

I would love to say that my life has been so busy that I simply have not had time to blog.

But in truth, I think I am totally dealing with a bad case of winter blues.

We have had no place to really go. Well, other than the typical things like school, work and dr appointments! But they don't count really in my book! And due to cold beyond anything my body has ever felt (for at least a year anyway), we have been housebound.

I have been restless.

Now I know you are thinking that this would be a good time to come on and chat about it all but in truth, I haven't known what to say. You can only chat so much about how you are going stir crazy while your toes are so cold they are about to fall off! An interesting topic to be sure but boring after about the third time mentioning it.

We are currently in a brief respite with a warm up of between 50 to almost 70 degrees and my fingers have thawed out enough to come on and chat! Come Friday we are to hit 68 degrees and I can assure you that I shall be laying spread eagle on my deck by noon praising the Lord for all his glory in making the sun!

Now Sat. it will drop back down to 45. But it is still better than the 6 degrees we were hitting a week or so ago and I will not complain!! Course, the kiddies at Delaney's party might but I am sure that between the sugar and the bouncer coming, they won't complain TOO much!

I am gearing up for Sat. The cupcakes and cookies still need to be made. But the balloons are ordered and the gift bags, plates and decorations sit in wait.

Stay tuned for a wonderful party day to come............

1 comment:

  1. ohhhh honey, I know how you feel. It rarely snows where I live, we are lucky to see an inch in the winter. BUT for some stuid reason this year, we've seen quite a bit(for us). Last week, it got down to -4 and less than a week later it was 70 Oh and last week, I had 10in of snow on the ground and kids missed the whole week of school. Friends in Maine laugh bc our kids missed school for "a little snow" but our bus drivers are not use to driving in conditions like that and everything shuts down. We were stuck in the house all week. STIR CRAZY I tell ya. Don't worry, Spring is coming soon!
