Monday, February 21, 2011

Wonderful is totally a open term

My last post I said stay tuned for wonderful party to come. I saw that and about laughed my head off.

Now, when planning this party, we had snow storms hitting us twice a week! There was so much snow we didn't know what to do with ourselves! I decided not to fight Mother Nature and went with the flow and picked a Winter Wonderland theme. Snowflakes and snowmen galore! Then the thaw came. Ok.....we redirected and ordered a bouncer. We still went with the snow theme but planned to throw them outside cold or not!

It certainly turned out to be a NOT! In more ways than....well......NOT!

Let me fill you in on our party day.....

We woke in the morning to cold weather again as stated. Ok. We knew the cold was coming back in. What we didn't know was that it brought wind with it. High wind. As in blow you on your ass wind! It was bad. Very bad. I laid in bed and heard the gusts and knew we were in trouble. Bouncer dude would not be coming that day!

I raked my mind and decided we would just go with the flow and get bubbles and such and kick the kids out anyway. We were going to fill the trampoline with 'snow ball' balloons and send them on their happy way.

We ran to the store and picked up items and ran back home. Put the bags down, unzipped my coat and stood in awe as the trampoline took flight like something from a Wizard of Oz scene! We ran to rescue the trampoline but not without damage.

Rethinking.........again..........what to do, what to do.........

I send Todd to get out own small bouncer. That would keep them busy! Except we couldn't find something that worked to blow it up. Two hours later, three men and two air compressors, we finally had a bouncer. Except....the party was now over.

By three o'clock our activities had come to an end and we were scrambling for things to do with 12 little kiddies! God bless my step mom! Mimi you did an awesome and looooong assed game of Simon Says!

One would think that would be the end of this fun and exciting story. Not!
Let us not forget my nephew throwing up from a stomach virus all over the bathroom. AND I just found out that another went home with her own personal version of a stomach virus too! No she did not deposit her gift here but the germies I am sure were having a blast with all the kiddies in attendance!

Thanks everyone for the lovely, non-returnable gift of viruses and puke! We lay in anticipation to see who gets it next! Next time a gift receipt would be nice!

Delaney, however, had the best party and loved it. She loved her friends there and the gifts and attention and her Mimi and Papa. Overall, in her book, it was the bestest 6th birthday party ever!

Mimi, Mommy and Aunt Michele on the other hand are thinking a very large jug of wine might have been a much appreciated end come that evening!

Happy Birthday sweet Delaney! I cannot believe you are a big 6 year old! Where has my little girl gone!? May your year be full of TONS of excitment, love and laughter!

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