Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well it looks like it has been a week since I last visited and didn't want anyone to think I had fallen off the face of the earth or joined the circus or something!

In fact it has been a combo week where I bounced between pain and having to suck it up and do things no matter my issues. There is never much time for Mom to sit on the sofa and whine about a hole in her head. I had work to do and kids to chase and things to get done. So I drugged myself up on pain killers and Advil and moved ahead.

Still, a week later, I have a hole in my head. The site has not fully closed up. And I think I ended up getting the lovely 'dry socket' because come Friday it felt like my gum was going to explode. Lortab became my new bestest friend! But, in truth, I was able to keep the pain down with the pain killers and Advil and since the dentist could do little else to actually heal the site, I opted to suck it up. I still have the hole. But am not in as much discomfort as this weekend. It is what it is and life goes on.......

Which brings me to my lovely daughter, Delaney. She moved her circus act from her broken bed to the trampoline and learned to do flips! Saddly, she also happened to find the little 3in. opening in the netting and decided to go for a flight! Out the opening. On her face. In the dirt! She came out with a knot on her forehead and some lovely brush burns from her forehead to her lip for her effort. But nothing was broken and we iced her up, gave her some Advil and she was out and running in no time. And I have a feeling it did little to hinder her obvious dream of being a trapeze performer!

I ordered the beds for the girls. I found a steal of a deal with 97 cent shipping for the price I allotted for one bed. I could not refuse the sale poking me in the eye and calling my name! And since Megans bed was the bottom 1/2 of the broken bunk, I decided to go for it. So both girls will be getting a new bed come this weekend sometime.

And, to end up with the big finale, Megan is off to the ortho surgeon tonight. She has had some pain in her knee for a good 8 months. She went about two weeks ago because it had gotten worse and was sent for physical therapy for tight ligaments. By the 2nd week her knee cap had dislocated. The PT won't touch her now. And she is currently on restriction and an Advil regimen of her own! So tonight we take her to see what is going on with that knobby knee.

Perhaps I should start taking stock in Advil!! I am thinking, lately, our family could really keep that company afloat!

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