Friday, May 13, 2011

A little bit of this and a little bit of that!

1. The other day my BIL was here working and came in to ask me if he could use my bathroom.  I told him "Sure, just leave a quarter when you are done!" And this is what I found later in the day on the sink!
Funny Lonnie!
2. We are almost done the patio cover!  Yippie!
3. I was getting ready in the morning and looked out the window and noticed that my bush that came from my Grandparents house is full of flowers.  They gave us three bushes before they passed and this is the only one to survive.  It bearly held two bunches of flowers each year since we planted it.  But this year it is in full bloom!  I am taking that as a good sign!

4. I have a TON of these to plant!  The rain is on its way and I am not sure when I will be doing this planting but......
5. And we have a ton of these too that have to go back up on the wall.  Right now it is looking kinda naked!

6. Megan went on a school camping trip this year for three days.  I was looking at her pictures and two things come to mind when I viewed them.......
WHAT is the deal with her and all her friends making this face in about 3/4 of the pics?
And who the heck is this dude who had his arm around my daughter and is in the other 1/3 of the pics?

What makes it worse......he is really cute! She could have picked some wall flower or something to make Mommy's heart feel better. You know.  The one who is AFRAID to put his arm around my really pretty 13 year old daughter! This guy?  Well, I envision me locking her in her room under key and bolt when he comes over!

And finally..........
7. Hope each and everyone of you have a wonderful weekend!  Mine will be spent getting ready for the church's bell choir concert this weekend.  So while you are basking in the sun or taking your kids to the park, think of me in some dark school ringing my bells! 

All for the Lord!  All for the Lord!


1 comment:

  1. Don't they look like a cute couple. ;) hehe Look out mom, you got another teenager.. and this time, it's a GIRL!! ;)
