Monday, June 15, 2009

My baby can sing!

This weekend we had the Cherub Choir concert for children's day at church. You never know with Delaney on what you might get. Sometimes she sings and most times not. Actually I can only think of one time that her lips were moving and then I am not sure if she was singing the song everyone else was or just talking to herself! BUT she doesn't cry or run off the alter and she loves being with her friends and so, we got up early and headed to church to see what may...or may not happen.

Well she sang! And she sang sweet. After all, nothing can be more cute than a 4 year old in a watermelon dress singing Sweet Low Sweet Cheriot while pulling the hem of her dress over her head at the front of the church!

When we arrived there were little stations around the church set up with sidewalk chalk so that you could leave a message to your little one.

Here is Delaneys pimped up pink scooter. Yes Mommy over did it. And yes I realize I have an issue with going overboard but I cannot control myself. And was cute! And I held back. I did. I wanted pink ribbons all over it too but only had time for one!

And here she is taking her ride in her pimped up scooter as the Grand Finale!!

Afterwards there was swimming and food and cupcakes and games!! All for the kids while moms and dad sat around and talked and took tons of pictures!
Might I add at this point that Delaney was the ONLY child that got in and never got out till it was time to leave. All the other kids took breaks cause the water was so cold. Not Delaney. By the time we called it quits, she was looking like a blue prune and loving every sec of it! At this point....go back to my swim lesson post! Those teachers have no clue what they are in for!

And then night came and there was more than one tuckered out person it would seem!
Now turn down your volume and experience the most sought after mucial video of Delaney singing!

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