Sunday, June 7, 2009


After a week of rain, thunderstorms, rain, cold, and some more was nice to have a day like this!

NO! This is not me hiding in an 11 year olds skinny no stretch mark body!

Nor is this me in the chunky monkeys little pin up layout!

I do not play badmitton either (and neither does Cherokee it would seem!)...........

Or jump in the COLD freezing water with a smile on my face!

Come to think of it...most of these were taken with my lazy summer butt sitting in a chair with a glass of iced tea beside me. And that is ok with me. I am getting to old to think about bikinis or working up a sweat moving in some sort of outside game! Just me and a good book makes me happy once in a while!

I will have to remember these, though, cause it will be the last nice day for another week!


  1. Cute pics. I AM the one out playing the sports and acting like a big kid in the pool hahahahaha. BUT I also love curling up w/good book! The best of BOTH worlds lol

  2. OR how about curling up with a good book on a raft in the pool!??? NOW you are talking!
