Friday, September 4, 2009

Tubes, rafts, rain.........OH MY!

This is where we head into no-picure-land. My camera stayed home cause it is not waterproof so, I know it is heart breaking but, you will just have to use your imagination.

Wednesday we headed to Townsend and went tubing. The boys took the upper end where they had more rocks and rapids. The rest of us took the family friendly lazy river lower end. Which was probably a good thing since Mimi got dumped the minute she got in the water! It took Todd and Papa to get her back in which was so camera worthy and I was sad I did not have something to document it. Words cannot show the humor in that scene.

We spent the afternoon with our butts in cold mountain water and laughing as we sailed over rocks....or got stuck on them. The mini rapids were a blast as we flew over them in the tubes.

Dare I say it.....(mind you I didn't want to go due to the cold water. My rump does not touch anything under 80 degrees normally! ) that I would in fact go again cause it was so much fun!

We headed back to the cabin for showers and dinner in the cabin. We made dinner and then played games till I started to fall asleep where I sat! Tubing, cold water, and laughter seems to just poop one out!


Thur we headed back to the edge of the Smokeys and went rafting. That was so much fun! We took the lower end which was family friendly since we had Delaney with us. But in truth, Delaney of all the kids, would have prefered the upper end with more rapids!! But it was fun all the same. We paddled, looked at the mountains, chatted, splashed each other, got rained on, and laughed. It was a fun day and we got out of the boat wanting to go back in!

And we just missed a rain storm! When I say a rain storm, think DOWNPOUR! Open the skies and flood the streets kinda downpour! God was good to us. Not so much to those on the next rafting trip though. I can't imagine how they got through that. You couldn't see in front of you!

On the way home we got to see a bear up close in Gatlinburg. Not in the Smokies. Not on the rafting trip. In the town! He crossed the road at a light right in front of our van like a shopper heading to the next store and ran up the side of the hill next to us before I could get my camera out! What a shot that would have been.

We again showered and changed and then headed out to a dinner buffet.

Both days were just perfect. And this is why I came back not needing a vacation from my vacation. Nothing very stressful about a lazy day in a tube, gliding down a river with the sun shining on you!

Stay tuned for one more day and the travel home.............

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