Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Well butter my butt and call me biscuit...........

We're back!!!

And a nice vacation it was too! I came home not needing a vacation from my vacation! Which is often the deal when traveling with 4 kids!

We packed up Thur., ate a fast dinner and was on the road about 15 min later than scheduled. Again........not bad when traveling with 4 kids!!!

Being the pain in the butt mom, of course I took pictures.

Here is a view from my window as I said "So long NJ!!!!"

Hey Kevin!!!!!!!!!!

There is 'cool' Ryan and the girls....probably giggling at 'cool' Ryan

We stopped in our 1st hotel in VA for a little sleep over and then headed out early the next morning for Roanoke, VA where we met up with Papa and Mimi who was heading down from NY.

Here is Papa in the bubble pool........which had no bubbles and was probably hot enough to cook a turkey in 10 min!!

Isn't this a cool picture??! Looks like Mimi is flying!

And here is Delaney getting ready to do some flying of her own! The more you throw, the more she likes it!

And Megan!!

And this is what happens when you let your guard down! Mom gets you!

Kevin? Much to smart. He heard the camera noise and Ryans bellow and he flew out of bed! Next time Kevin.....next time.

Saturday morning we woke, ate a fast breakfast (or in my case WORE it. Yeah hot chocolate on a pale blue shirt is the in style thing to do!!) and off we went, hot chocolate and all, for TN.

We arrived, threw our things in the cabin, fought over who got to sleep where and then headed for grocery shopping and dinner.

Here is the view of the wrap around porch.
Todd walked to the side, looked down the side of the mountain in which the cabin was perched on and proclaimed "Holy shit!". Delaney walked up beside him, stuck her little face in between the rails and shouted............ "HOLY SHIT!!!!!"
We try our best to teach the kids good things as you can see!

This is the front of the cabin. Which, in a way is actually the side since you have to walk to the right and around to get to the door but this is the view you get when you arrive.

This is the main level bedroom which became the boys room.

This is the kitchen and diningroom view which is what you see when you walk in the front door.

And the livingroom.

This is the upstairs game loft

Todds and my room which was in the lower level. I closed my eyes looking at the Smokey Mountains at night and woke to the sun peeking over the top each morning. Those blinds and the door was open 95% of the time and I listened to the birds chirp and the rain fall. It was lovely!

The girls bedroom....

And Mimi and Papas room

This is the sitting area in the lower level which held the three bedrooms posted above.

Now for the good stuff..........

Which you will have to tune in tomorrow to see. You didn't think it would come easy did you??

In case you were wondering about the title of this post, I saw that on some signs in TN and it just stuck with me after I laughed my head off. "Butter my butt and call me biscuit, look who is here!" "Butter my butt and call me biscuit, look at that bird" .........

"Butter my butt and call me biscuit..........come back ya all for more southern adventure!"

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