Thursday, February 18, 2010

Little, cute girls in green are my enemy!

Tis the season. They are everywhere. They smile at you at the Walmart door, plead at the grocery store, and if they don't get you in one of the more public places, they attack you at your house. You know what I mean....cute, little girlscouts dressed in uniforms with smiles on their faces asking you to buy their overly expensive cookies. I am a total sucker. And I love girlscout cookies. But I have been trying to be good. And was succeeding....till Saturday.

I would through walk the doors of Walmart and avoid their pitiful little begging eyes. I would smile and look away from the mothers who watched you walk by their tables in the grocery store. But then they stepped foot on my doorstep. Now I would have done the 'run and hide' move myself. You know, like you do with people who come knocking on your door with religious books in their hands and you run and hide so you don't have to answer the door! Yeah, that move! But those girlscouts were in luck. Todd was home. And Todd answered the door. I am not sure what he was thinking. One cannot win against some cute little girls begging you to buy their wares. It is a proven impossibility! But he did it. He opened the door! He took away the only barrier between them and us! He didn't stand a chance.

And in turn I lost too. I am out $14 for COOKIES. And those cookies are now 1/2 gone. You cannot put me in a room with thin mints or peanutbutter cookies. They are in my cabinet calling my name and I am doomed!


Thanks Todd!

Who is the sucker now!?

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