Friday, May 15, 2009

Hospitals, drugs and Grey's....OH MY!

Grey's ALERT. Do not read if you have not watched the finale...........

AWESOME!Grey's was awesome! I KNEW someone was going to die. WHO SHALL IT BE???????????

George....Izzy.....No George....No Izzy......... I CANNOT STAND THE WAIT!!!!!!!

I say George. Rumor has it that George wanted off anyway. And a writer on the show says that Izzy will survive. We shall see if she is telling the truth......4 very long months....................

I will stunk that it came on so late. Getting up with Megan, I am just way too pooped by 10 pm to keep awake. I only watched bits a pieces and had to spend commercial time asking Todd what just happened....after I awoke and wiped the drool off my face! I spent 2 hours doing that. And I am sure Todd just loved it! BUT I made it to the end. I will have to go online when I can find the time and watch the whole thing again. No commercials and no drool!

Update on Grams:
She is still in the hospital. But should be out of ICU by now. Sepsis by viral? I can't seem to find much info on viral sepsis. I think that is their way of saying they have no clue and just wanted to give it a name. They are talking rehab to gain back some strength. But no nursing home, which was their thoughts on Monday and Tuesday. So I am waiting for some social worker to shut off their Grey's on the computer long enough to call me and tell me that they got her a bed at the rehab of my choice.

Update on Megan:
She has not had two very good days in a row. Just refuses to drink. Yesterday she openly refused to take her meds or sip fluids. I finally had to resort to yelling to get her to take the meds. Then I got her in the shower and she almost passed out. I think she is not handeling the pain meds well and will be happy when I can get her off. But she got showered, took her meds and ate a bit of watermelon finally. Hopefully today will be a much better day. Looks like Monday she might be home again? Guess we will have to see how she does over the weekend.

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